Quality training for you and your puppy and includes foundation training to apply to real life scenarios. Class is set-up for quality learning yet with the distraction of either 1 or 2 other puppies. Your puppy will learn how to socialize and be around another puppy and have good manners around that puppy on leash. The small class size is an added advantage providing more individual attention from the trainer.
Note: If your puppy is 7 months or older on the start date, please check out the Good Doggo class,)
Requirements on start date:
Class Set-Up With Allison:
Good Puppy with Allison
3 Puppies max (will start with 2)
6 Total Classes
1 Orientation Class (orientation class without puppy)
5 Classes with puppy
1 hour a week
Next Available Start Dates:
See Enroll Today Link
Please note: There are no make-up sessions for missed classes. There will be notes available that cover the session. Refunds are not available if cancellation occurs within 1 week of the class start.